Jessica Simpson still wears 6-inch heels & she refers to herself as “Swamp Ass”

Jessica Simpson made two big public appearances yesterday – on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night, and on Ellen’s show, in a pretaped appearance which airs today. Let’s start with the Ellen video, because this is the first time I’m seeing Jessica in motion in a while. Ellen was making a big deal about Jessica being due any minute, but Jessica claims she has “some weeks” left in her pregnancy, “It’s not like tomorrow… I had contractions last night and I freaked out a little bit. You know those Braxton Hicks things… It’s like these contractions that pregnant woman have towards the end. It prepares your body for delivery. I’m prepared. It’s scary. It’s like oh god, this can happen right now.” Oh, and Jessica confirms once again that she’s not expecting twins, it’s just one big baby girl. Ellen is really sweet to her, and Jessica seems more comfortable than I’ve seen her in a while. Ellen gave her a Snoogle body pillow and a table full of food. Jessica had to ask Ellen if onion rings were vegan.

Cute, right? On The Tonight Show, it was much of the same stuff. Jessica denied that she was expecting twins. Oh, and Jessica wore six-inch heels to both shows too – she told Leno, “It’s a tough thing here and I’m wearing six inch heels, it’s a lot of weight to carry on six inches.” Jessica also discussed labor (“Labor is really going to hurt I have so much respect for my mom and all the women across the world.”) and her new favorite food – “slutty brownies.” Those are “a three layer desert which includes a layer of cookie dough, a layer of brownie mix and a layer of oreo cookie.”

She says she and Eric weren’t trying for a baby “but we were practicing” and when she found out she was preggo, “I freaked out I was so excited, Eric didn’t even know I was doing it, he was completely shocked. He cried.” Oh, and she is going to marry her K-Fed too – “I want him to be my husband so bad. I do still want to wear the pretty gown so I have to wait… Now she’ll just be in the wedding.” My favorite part is when Jessica talks about how much she was sweating during the first months of her pregnancy and she started calling herself “Swamp Ass”. I hope she never changes.

Header photo courtesy of Ellen, additional photos by Fame/Flynet.

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92 Responses to “Jessica Simpson still wears 6-inch heels & she refers to herself as “Swamp Ass””

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  1. brin says:

    Swamp Ass Simpson it is!

  2. Molly says:

    I know she’s not exactly a Mensa members, but I think it’s admirable that she’s so open and self-deprecating. She doesn’t seem extremely vain, either, because she looks rough. But she seems sweet enough and doesn’t take herself too seriously, which is a nice thing to see in a famous person.

  3. Molly says:

    She might be right to ask if the onion rings are vegan, because they could have been fried in lard instead of vegetable oil.

    • MJ says:

      It’s also very likely that they were dipped in egg or something milk-based before being dredged in the breading. I think they’re most likely NOT vegan.

      • Isa says:

        Oh my goodness you really can’t eat ANYTHING can you? I didn’t even think of that stuff.

  4. Sumodo1 says:

    Well, well, well. Pigging out on “slutty” brownies. She’s risking gestational diabetes. Jessica, you dim bulb!

    • Bobbie says:

      Leave her alone.

    • Belle says:

      Eating sugar does not cause diabetes. Being over-weight can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but simply eating sugar/junk food is not a cause.

      • Samigirl says:

        Truth! It’s also an inherited trait! Case in point, I haven’t eaten much sugar at all my pregnancy, only gained 12 pounds, and I was diagnosed with GD a few weeks ago. Perfect first pregnancy, but this little girl is my difficult child.

  5. Tiffany27 says:

    She still has weeks to go? Damn!!!!! She’s still cute though.

  6. Alexis says:

    I like her. She’s seems like a sweet, goofy girl. I wish her the best. I hope she marries her football KFed…

  7. Annie says:

    Yep, we all know how terrible anorexia is and all but going to the opposite extreme and flaunting gluttony when there are still starving people in the world just seems off to me, pregnant or not.

    • Vesper says:

      A very good point. I think too many pregnant women use their pregnancy as an excuse to over indulge, and too many people seem to encourage it. I’ve read that gaining 30 lbs is all that is necessary to have a healthy baby.

      • Annie says:

        And considering out of the 30lb 6-10lb of that is baby, and a lot of it is fluid retention/amniotic fluids only maybe about 10-15lb of that is “real” weight gain. Yet plenty of women get absolutely massive (as if fat) and your right it is encouraged as if the more weight she slams on the healthier the kid. Yet god forbid a woman doesn’t put on a heap of weight she will be called out as selfish and vain etc etc.

      • JustYourAverageCommoner says:

        I’m guessing that neither of you two, Annie or Vesper, have ever been pregnant??

      • Vesper says:

        Actually, JustYourAverageCommoner, I have tried to get pregnant, and I have done my reading on the topic. Suggesting my opinion is less valid because I haven’t had children is kind of ignorant don’t u think? I do have numerous friends who have had children and most of them kept themselves in good shape throughout the pregnancy — their weight gain was mostly in their belly. It is possible to exercise and eat healthy when pregnant just as it is possible to learn about pregnancy without actually being pregnant.

        By the way, my doctor has never been pregnant does that make his advice any less valid?

      • JustYourAverageCommoner says:

        Interesting how my simple SINGLE question resulted in a rather defensive response which was chalk full of assumptions and accusations of what I could have possibly meant by my question. So let’s go.

        I asked because in your original statement, you said that “too many pregnant women USE their pregnancy as an excuse to over indulge”. Who is using what excuse where? In this specific case, I’ve never heard Jessica Simpson make any excuses for anything to anyone. Yes, it’s a medical fact that in terms of the baby’s health, 30 lbs of weight gain for the Mom is ‘ideal’ in order to have a healthy baby. That is a general blanket statement that applies to the general population, but does not apply to all. Every woman is different. Some have easier pregnancies than others. I don’t see Jessica Simpson skipping through fields singing ‘la la la la I’m pregnant so give me cheese fries and get outta my way…I wanna get FAT’. She’s SIMPLY being a woman that is extremely happy to be pregnant and her doctor has obviously told her that her weight gain isn’t harming the baby.

        Some women stay absolutely tiny during their pregnancies, but the baby had come out fine. Look at Nicole Kidman. I also have a sister in law and a few friends that stayed absolutely tiny throughout their pregnancies, all had healthy babies. My mother got large withe each of her pregnancies, and all 4 of us were healthy. She retained her vegan super healthy diet AND excercised with all 4 of us, and still became large. She had an autoimmune disease with her thyroid that still affects her to this day. No matter how healthy she is, her weight is massively affected by it.
        My best friend stayed very small with her first pregnancy but got large with her 2nd and also got gestational diabetes very early…however…she never changed her diet, still ate healthy, and exercised. Your body just decides how it wants to react to the pregnancy. I even know of 2 women that gained fat all over their body and literally didn’t even look like they were pregnant, they had very tiny bellies…just looked like they got fat.

        And the reason I asked you that question…the TRUE meaning by my question…drum roll please…..I was wondering if you had EVER been blessed with the actual experience of the absolutely intense cravings that you get periodically throughout your pregnancy. I mean these are the “knock people over to get to the nearest location that carries fluff and pickles” type of cravings. There’s simply no way to explain how intense cravings can be, and some women find them tolerable one pregnancy and don’t give in, and then the next pregnancy it’s unbearable and can’t get through the cravings. This is something you simply could never ever imagine if you haven’t gone through it yourself. So before you call me ignorant, or accuse me of saying your opinion is less valid…why don’t you be a little more tactful next time and not put words in people’s mouths.

        Me on the other hand, I’ve had to have 2 pregnancies started by IVF. Through BOTH of my fertility treatments, I gained 30lbs before even getting to the positive pregnancy test results. And if you knew anything about fertility treatment, you would know you have to stick to a strict diet and exercise regime to increase the chances that your treatment will be successful. But the combination of numerous medications and daily self injections CAN lead to minor and major weight gain in some women. I happened to be one of them. Luckily for me, I gained all my weight before pregnancy and maintained it throughout.

        What I’m saying is…you seem to be highly jedgemental and critical of this general population of pregnant woman that you’ve created, and you simply don’t know ANY of their stories. Good for you that you are surrounded by women that were lucky enough to be able to maintain a good weight and be able to control their appetites. My point overall is, every woman’s body is different. Before you go judging and critizing other women when you don’t know their stories, why don’t you experience these cravings and see what your body does during pregnancy too.

  8. katyalia says:

    I don’t think ‘Swamp ass’ means what she thinks it means.
    If you’re stealing from ‘Two and a half men’ you should really look up the defintion before you repeat their little gems…

  9. Erin says:

    SWAMP ASS! i love her forever.

  10. serena says:

    i know this is mean but i just find her disgusting. can’t help it.

    • mary simon says:

      I think she’s an undignified swamp ass clown.

    • MST says:

      Yes its mean, but I’m mean too, because I agree.

      Part of her shtick is acting like a bimbo, but she isn’t — her (tacky) clothing empire is worth millions.

      • Tommy says:

        Honey, don’t throw stones. Her shoes are actually really, really cute and they’re affordable. There’s a reason she raked in $1 billion this year.

      • Vesper says:

        For someone who has a clothing “empire” worth millions, she can’t put a simple outfit together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in something I actually like. As well, she almost always over accessorizes.

      • Jordan says:

        I actually have one of her dresses and it’s nice. Well made and flattering. Plus, it didn’t cost more than my mortgage unlike some of these celebrity ‘designers’.

    • Vesper says:

      I agree. When I look at Jessica all I see is a bloated, loud, crude, dumb as dirt, white trash girl who could use a shower (and a stylist). And, the shoes are ugly beyond words and dangerous for the baby. Too easy to trip especially for a girl who is so scattered.

      I thought Nicole Richie looked amazing in the last clip. Fashionable, elegant, and perfectly put together. The exact opposite of Swamp Girl.

      • blasted1 says:

        You’re not mean; If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck….After the baby, I’m calling her “Lard Ass” because that “baby weight” ain’t going anywhere if it requires self-discipline.

    • Ange says:

      Agree, she’s always been crass and I find it offputting rather than adorable.

  11. Agnes says:

    i love it! i love her knocked up. and i totally hear her on sweatpants, i can’t bear to wear anything else right now. haha

  12. Eleonor says:

    She has been pregnant forever!!

  13. Erinn says:

    I got two things out of reading this:
    1) I like her a whole lot more pregnant
    2) I must obtain slutty brownies

  14. Shelly says:

    She was really funny on Leno last night. Although my husband is convinced she has 7 kids in her womb. He hadn’t seen her in like forever, and he was like DAMN!

  15. Ashley says:

    She’s a beautiful pregnant woman. She just looks so happy!

  16. Holden says:

    Oh god, I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  17. Samigirl says:

    I looked up slutty brownies on pinterest. They look positively sinful. I like that she’s herself and not painting pregnancy to be glamorous, because it isn’t like that. Women are gassy, hormonal, and yes, sweaty (at least in my case). She’s keeping it real, and I appreciate that.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      How are you feeling Sami? How’s the little bean? (Bean is what I call babies still in the belly lol)

      • Samigirl says:

        Hi, Tiff, dear. Miss Merry is just fine. She has a built in trampoline and loves making her momma’s back hurt 🙂 9 weeks, 2 days until I’m due. Can’t come fast enough. Thanks for asking, sister!

    • Bobbie says:

      I had four babies and I completely concur on the reality of pregnancy. If you’re lucky enough to have an easy pregnancy, just be grateful. I got monsterously huge too and whatever- I had four healthy babies and lost all my weight. It’s fine, Jessica and anyone else who is overindulging. You’ll have more work to do afterwards, but you’re making a baby. Let it be.

      • Samigirl says:

        I don’t personally know one person who didn’t go crazy their first pregnancy. I gained 50 pounds my first go around, so I’ve been much more careful this go around.

  18. Jayna says:

    I have to say that Jessica has looked pretty her whole pregnancy and dressed really cute. Here comes her maternity line, which I predict will be a hit.

  19. jackie says:

    If I didn’t just read about Snooki’s pregnancy in USWeekly before this, I would have been more apt to roll my eyes.

  20. Sapphire says:

    I used to hate on her being a dim witted sex kitten with no talent or style. Since she got engaged then pregnant, I’ve even learned to like her-foot in mouth, funny and not giving a crap. Way more interesting.

  21. cmc says:

    So um…is she vegan now? I can’t watch the video (youtube blocked at work), but asking about vegan onion rings then talking about eating sluttly brownies seems oddly incongruent. Unless she’s eating vegan slutty brownies, in which case SOMEBODY GET ME THE RECIPE.

    • lin234 says:

      I was just about to ask the same thing! 🙂

    • Tapioca says:

      From the horse’s mouth:

      “I’m eating a lot of stuff that I ate in my childhood. Kraft Mac n’ Cheese, [buttered] Pop Tarts, Cap’n Crunch.”

      The first two items definitely aren’t vegan!

    • deb says:

      I think JS’s refering to Ellen’s veganism, not hers.
      “You can have this, right? Is it vegan?” (or “as a vegan”?) she asked; to which Ellen replied “of course, I can eat onion rings.”

      I think the conversation goes like this:

      EdG: So I have things for you
      JS: Oh my gosh look at all of this
      EdG: I know you’re craving tex-mex
      JS: You even have onion rings, how did you know that was my new craving?
      EdG: I… uh look into things, so… Are they good?
      JS: Well, you can eat all this right? Is it vegan?
      EdG: Yeah, this is all vegan. I can eat onion rings, ‘course I can. Yeah. So help yourself to anything you want there.
      JS: It’s the tex-mex that you don’t really go to right
      EdG: I can do salsa, or guacamole
      JS: But not the ground beef, the good stuff.
      EdG: No. They actually make really good stuff that taste just like beef, etc-etc-etc-etc-igottiredoftyping.

      • cmc says:

        Thanks for transcribing deb!

        BTW, I am a vegan obsessed with Tex Mex (grew up in Texas). I just make my own! Sautee up some crumbled tofu with red onions and red/green/yellow bell peppers, sometimes add a spash of beer. Then I make my own corn tortillas, salsa fresca, and guacamole. Add a dash of hot sauce and you get delicious vegan tacos!

        …and now I know what I’m having for dinner tonight.

      • @cmc: do you know if you freeze, then thaw your tofu before cooking it, it has a chewier texture and works well with tacos? I learned that from my vegetarian sister in law. The tofu even stands up really well to grilling using that technique.

      • deb says:

        @cmc & @paranormalgirl
        wow! now i’m suddenly craving some tex-mex myself! and maybe for the first time, i’m actually going to try this non-beef thing. (actually i’m fresh out of beef, but there’s some tofu in my fridge).

        maybe the first time i’m not bothered not having meat in my fridge. thanks for the tips! now i’m going to trawl the net for some recipes.

        or do any of you have website recommendations or recipe recommendations?

    • Misii says:

      Easy enough to make vegan slutty brownies. Just make vegan cookie dough and brownie batter. Oreos are vegan as well.
      I’ve made both regular and vegan slutty brownies and they are both awesome and people couldn’t tell the difference at all. 🙂

  22. Tapioca says:

    It’s a three-layed “pimped” Brownie of chocolate cookie dough base, layer of oreo cookies, brownie mix top, all baked together. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream and a urine testing stick for the inevitable type 2 diabetes that follows.

  23. tinypie says:

    Still hope she has a c section

  24. FeverDream says:

    Its really funny to me how 10, 15 years ago her and Britney were America’s sweethearts.

    Then they turned out to be so massively white trash-y its not even funny.


    • Duh says:

      They haven’t changed. If you didn’t think those things before it’s only b/c you weren’t able to see past their underage t&a. So you’re probably the trashy one.

  25. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    Aw I think she is adorable. Completely harmless and cute. Bet her little girl will be very pretty.

  26. bondbabe says:

    I adore her and would love to hang out with her. She seems to just be herself and go with it; not trying to mold herself into something she’s not.

    And let go of the meanness—it’s her own doing if she gets gestational diabetes or wears six-inch heels. While not ideal to you, or to me, YOU are not her mother or guidance counselor.

  27. I like this girl. She seems “real.”

  28. Cathy says:

    Glad to see she’s enjoying her pregnancy. She’s harmless and a little brainless, but, I can’t help but like her.

  29. Str8Shooter says:

    Sooooo CLASSY!!!

  30. Chell says:

    Mmmmmmm…slutty brownies!!!!

  31. daya says:

    God she is disgusting!!!!!

    she looks disgusting!!!!!

    • bondbabe says:

      Yeah, and I’m sure you’re the epitome of refined class and elegance….

      If she’s disgusting, don’t listen to or look at her and you’ll be just fine. 🙂 Have a nice day!

  32. Liz says:

    Very stylish! She just proves pregnant can be hot. Not everyone wears their husband’s tees thank goodness in month 9.

  33. truetalk says:

    i wonder what her bra cup sizes are now;ZZ?lol

    • bondbabe says:

      I was kind of curious about that myself—those puppies are huge! Probably custom-made now.

  34. haley says:

    she is hysterical, and cute. i love her.

  35. some bitch says:

    Never liked her “music” and don’t like her clothing all that much but love that she’s being so real about her pregnancy. her skin looks amazing.

    Clearly she’s no genius but she seems so sweet that I can’t hate on this girl at all. best of luck to her and Eric with their baby.

  36. Maria says:

    not sure why she think it’s so cute that her baby is 10 lbs and that she pigs out so much. My sister did that…had a 10 lb baby…and unfortunately, having larger babies…can set them up for health issues and easy weight gain down the line. Not to say it will happen, but it certainly doesn’t stack the deck in their favour. why would anyone shovel so much crap down their gullet and joke about it…it’s nothing to joke about…so many toxins in crap like she ate or eats….sure,the odd treat each day when you’re pregnant…or even a treat now and then…but a portion of something, not a huge vat of it.

    • Belle says:

      I agree that she has indulged in many cravings and the extra weight gained because of that will be harder to take off after she delivers. I’ve posted before about this, but both of my babies were large (almost 9 pounds, and 10 1/2 pounds), and I did not stuff my face and eat a bunch of crap. My pregnancies were both pretty miserable, and I was sick for most of the time, though I still gained about 60 pounds with each one. I did eat healthy foods, though I indulged once in a while… my girls are now 15 and 10, and are both skinny minnie girls. They are both picky eaters though… LOL

  37. lanster says:

    this is what a pregnant woman looks like. Even more evidence Beyonce was full of shit.

    • Jessica says:

      Not all women gain a lot of weight and have a belly. Doesn’t anyone remember Victoria Beckham? She bragged how she only gained 14 pounds. And that that was the MOST weight she gain with any of her pregnancies and NO ONE tried to say that she wasn’t really pregnant or that she was faking it. I don’t understand why everyone is questioning Beyonce but there have been plenty of women in Hollywood who looked JUST like her and no one questioned it.

      • Belle says:

        VB had a belly that grew consistently with her pregnancy. It didn’t vanish, and then come back… and then shrink late in her pregnancy, and I don’t think anyone ever saw it ‘collapse’. Even with the slight weight gain (which I think most doctors would have not been thrilled with, given that she was under-weight to begin with), she still had one of those big basketball belly-bumps that very thin women often have with a pregnancy. Oh, and I don’t think anyone saw her leap into an SUV just days before giving birth(;

  38. littlestar says:

    I was sad when she cheated on Nick (yes, I know I should get over it by now), but I still love her. How can you not? She doesn’t take herself seriously and is as sweet as ever. Anyone who has the guts to call themselves “swamp ass” in public gets my vote.

  39. Mauibound says:

    I get such a kick outta her! She may be a flake but she’s smart enough to surround herself with good business people. Because of her clothing line, from what I’ve read she has pulled in well over a 100 million dollars! Not too shabby gurl! Probally much more than that by now.

  40. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    What is she promoting, or has Ellen gone the Dick Cavett route? Oh, heck! Can you imagine a Cavett-length interview with her? Just get a copy of the Bette Davis episode and pray for your soul.

    Man, I have got to get pregnant. Every stupid thing you’ve ever done is magically transmuted into diamonds made of angels.

    Who is telling her that all of this dairy that she’s consuming is vegan?

  41. Jessica says:

    Ummmm I don’t really get it. Jessica Simpson wears heels and she’s “adorable” and “lovable” because she actually complains about wearing 6 inch heels. Beyonce wears six inch heels and doesn’t complain or say anything about it and everyone yells at her and says that she’s not really pregnant because pregnant women can’t wear six inch heels. I’m not saying that Jessica Simpson isn’t pregnant but I just don’t get why the double standard.

    • Belle says:

      I’ve seen plenty of Jessica Simpson stories with comments about her heels, and how inappropriate they are, especially at this stage of her pregnancy. In fact, I commented here on another JS story, and raised concern about those silly heels!

  42. Marcia says:

    Apparently, they are slutty because a lot goes into them haha

  43. PyrLover says:

    I think she has a clown car going on in that uterus of her’s.

  44. Snowflake says:

    I don’t see what the big deal is about pregnant women wearing heels; I know women that can walk better in them than I can in flats. Plus, these preggos didn’t go from skinny minnie to huge in one day; they adjusted to wearing heels with their increasing weight.

  45. Marcia says:

    Aw she’s cute. I can’t hate on her because she’s always so happy and not full of herself

  46. s says:

    LOVE her! Forgive her dizziness she’s obviously high on hormones 🙂

  47. galaxygirl says:

    Oddly enough I think this really agrees with her. She looks happy & glowing 😀